The Choose One Word
Ritual of Becoming


What-ho and well-met, fellow mind.

In over a decade of research as a wizard, I’ve encountered much in the field of self-development that is superficial and suspect—but the Choose One Word ritual is deeply wondrous. It has a fractal quality to it—it holds stable, useful and ‘true’ (no matter how complex your life may be). If you find yourself at a crossroad or in a rut—if you’re seeking new direction, or the means to find your groove—this online programme is for you.


Lifetime access
for $150 AUD

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You were taught to ‘dream big’, ‘set a goal’ and ‘believe in yourself’. Quaint. But maybe you’ve outgrown this?

Dreams are nice—but they can become tyrannical narratives. It’s also okay to not know exactly what you want in life. It may even be better. Besides: people change—our ‘dreams’, ‘passion’ and sense of ‘purpose’ (if we have such) are thus fluid narratives.

Goals are fine—but they only work in stable environments. If you’re training for a competition, go nuts. But if you are attempting to find meaningful progress amidst the complexities and ambiguities of life—you need a more infinite approach.

Self-belief is tricky—for it’s a paradox. If we believe too much in who we are, our sense of ‘identity’ can become ossified—making it harder to develop and grow. Believe in ourselves too little and, well… there’s some wisdom in that. Thus we cultivate character instead.

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Maybe you’re now trying to optimise your life with systems? Good luck.

I mean this earnestly; luck is a contextual grace. You’ll need it—for life is far too complex to contain within any particular system. Habits and systems are great—but sometimes the systems we build to ‘optimise’ our lives become the very cages we need to break free from.

The Choose One Word programme will help you Find Your Way.

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An annual Ritual of Becoming

—with 70+ videos to help you know & make thyself


You don’t need to watch them all—you can find your Word in 3 minutes, 3 hours, 3 days or 3 weeks. You get to choose your own adventure.

Regardless of the pathway you choose: the process of Choosing One Word will see you deeply introspect and reflect upon the patterns that manifest in your life—the ways we interpret ‘who’ we are, the factors that are more likely to see us fulfilled and the sense of what might be emerging for us in the next chapter. It is a decidedly non-narrative approach to life, that is derived by understanding the very narrative fallacy we inevitably weave for ourselves.

Enrolment will gain you lifetime access—and will thus imbue the rest of your life with new enchantment, meaning, wit, wisdom and savvy.

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Programme Curriculum

To aid your path, each learning element is given a key:

∆ = essential elements of the ‘Choose One Word’ annual ritual of becoming
◊ = extended elements that dive deeper into theory and practice
‡ = esoteric elements that are fascinating, confounding and entirely optional



∆ A Quest Beckons
∆ Pick a Path—3 hours, 3 days or 3 weeks
‡ Bonini’s Paradox & Useful Delusions (primer)
‡ Why mid-life crises are happening sooner & more often

Part One: Self Knowledge

∆ The Book of You—your unfurling story
◊ The Book of You—an extended activity
‡ A Non-Narrative Approach to Life
∆ The Chart of You—what makes for a meaningful life?
‡ Patterns of Incongruence
∆ Finding Your Fulfilment Factors
∆ The Negative Path to Clarity & Fulfilment
◊ The Difficult Question—what do you want?

◊ Self-Sabotage—why we get in our own way
◊ Procrastination—the savviest self-sabotage
◊ Perfectionism—the prettiest self-sabotage
◊ Busyness—the most pernicious self-sabotage
◊ Overcommitment—the noblest self-sabotage
◊ Environmental—circumstantial self-sabotage
◊ Physiological—the invisible self-sabotage

∆ Finding Your Hidden Commitments
∆ Harvesting Wisdom from Conflicting Values
◊ You Are Not Broken—there’s nothing to ‘fix’
∆ You Are Ready to Begin to Choose One Word

The Incredible Power of Journaling

◊ Cultivating Metacognitive Self-Awareness
◊ How to Start Journalling with Hybridity
◊ How to Flex Introspection with Journalling

Part Two: Self Development

∆ What is Self-development and Why Bother?
∆ Embrace a Fluid Experimental Disposition
∆ Why this is a Yearly Ritual (& when to start)
◊ How to Deepen the Power of Rituals
‡ “The Qualified Self” (& advanced reading)
“We understand how dangerous a mask can be”
‡ You Are What You Subsume (inform yourself)
‡ Beware the Notion of the ‘True Authentic Self’

Part Two: Self Development (cont’d)

∆ The Path to Mundanity & Blandness
∆ How to Cast a Longer Shadow
◊ Ambiguity & the Infinite Game
∆ Finding Your Root Word
◊ A Linguistic Connoisseur (like Whisky)
‡ Words are Power (semiotic evocations)
◊ How to Expand Your Vocabulary
∆ Making Your Word Socially ‘f-yeah!’
‡ Cultivating Magical Realism

◊ Abstract Words
◊ Active Words
◊ Aspect Words
∆ Archetype Words

‡ The Many Words of Dr Fox (boring)
‡ How to Subtly Sound Out Your Word
◊ Blossoming Out Your Potentiality
∆ Not Too Comfortable, Not too Cool
◊ Choose Just One Word
∆ Flirt with Tension & Paradox

Part Three: Self Actualisation

∆ The Seasonality of this Annual Ritual
∆ Considering the Notion of ‘Purpose’
∆ Principals to Guide Decisions (NSFW)
∆ Cultivating Patterns of Habit
◊ Shaping Your Own Behaviour
‡ How You Manifest in the Lives of Others
∆ Projects to Embark Upon
◊ Bringing Lightness to Your Projects
∆ How to Play Well & Avoid Advice
◊ Find Enchantment via ‘Enclothed Cognition’

∆ Reconsult The Chart of You
∆ Return to The Book of You
◊ Practice Ironic Self-Indulgence
◊ Interview Your Future Self
∆ Remember: It Was Never About You

Plus more. And in addition to a rich world of video content, you’ll also receive pages from my spell book as worksheets.

You can preview some of the modules via the programme page, if you like.

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“We understand how dangerous a mask can be. We all become what we pretend to be.”

—Bast, from The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss


In some ways, the Choose One Word programme shows you how to craft a new mask for yourself. An authentic ‘persona’, if you will.

Paradoxically, we do this not to conceal who we are but rather: to reveal newer and truer facets of ourselves. And in doing so, become so.

Lifetime access
for $150 AUD

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Designed for at least 4 kinds of people:

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1. The hard-working martyr | You’ve been working solidly for some time now—doing what needs to be done to build a life and support those around you. But your work has lost its charm, and it feels like you have been busy since forever. You don’t know who you even are outside of the context of work. A new quest beckons—but it’s difficult to heed the call to adventure, because you’re so busy. The Choose One Word programme will help you liberate yourself from this narrative.

2. The emergent protagonist | Life has dealt you a difficult hand. The death of someone close to you, disaster, divorce, displacement or a similar-such calamity has befallen you—and this is enough to trigger an existential crisis in anyone. On the surface you’re doing fine, but it now feels as though you are an imposter to your own life. You can’t relate to who you are anymore, which is scary—but you don’t know what else to do. The Choose One Word programme is not a magic wand, but it may help you find your way.

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3. The jaded intellectual | You have experienced enough ‘self-development’ programmes to know that they are mostly reductive pseudoscience and woo. At their worst, they are a predatory kind of capitalism—ergo, you are smart enough to steer clear of anything that has even the slightest whiff of charismatic ‘thought leadership’ to it. And yet—even though you are very well read—superficial forms of nihilism plague your life. You mightn’t believe me but: the Choose One Word programme will help you fabricate new purpose and meaning in life—without compromising intellect or wit. (This is a metamodern programme in disguise.)

4. The hidden artist | You have a deep connection to creativity and art. Or rather: you once did. Now, you seem to be living the life of a ‘shadow artist’—you support the work of others, but can’t commit to your own work. Cynicism pervades. You know that the sense of ‘lostness’ isn’t necessarily a bad thing (there’s a wisdom to the insecurity)—but still: you’re getting tired of the not-knowing. The Choose One Word programme provides the structure and space for you to find your own growth.

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This programme is not for those seeking a quick fix to the complex issues in life. Or, well, rather: it is indeed for such folk—but only in a way that vexes them, so as to encourage them to be expand their capacity for curiosity and self-knowledge.

Become a benefactor of someone’s unfurling brilliance.

Lifetime access
for $150 AUD

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Q: Do I get all videos at once? Yes! No need to tediously await any drip feeds. And you will also benefit from new material as Dr Fox creates them.

Q: Can I go back to watch again? Yes, of course. You pay just once and then you have a lifetime of benefit. The videos themselves may sometimes change as they are updated through the years—but the programme itself is yours forever. Which is handy as this is an annual ritual of becoming. Your second or third time through will open new insight for you.

Q: Is there a community? I’m hesitant to create a community ‘platform’ for this—I’d rather this become a means for you to foster deeper connection within your own communities. Having said that, I do seem to attract wizard-rogues, complexity practitioners and philosopher-poets in my life. Kindred spirits all. Subscribe to my museletter to learn more and join in on the events that emerge.

Q: Do I get 1:1 time with Dr Fox? Heavens no!

Q: Are the videos transcribed? Yes! It’s easy to turn the captions on whenever you like.

Q: What’s this Ambassador-Affiliate thing I heard about? Oh well: given that I am a hipster-wizard of post-capitalist disposition cursed with an allergy to anything that resembles effective marketing, I have taken to offering folks who help ‘Spread the Word’ about the programme a tribute-token of my appreciation. Put another way: I would much rather share revenue with you than with any social media platform. 😅

Q: But… what if I can’t afford it? This kind of programme could easily have a $499 price tag on it—but I want it to reach as many people as it can (in a way that still has you invested in your self). Having said that, if luck hasn’t gone your way this past year or if your funds are low—just email with a warm note and I will gift gain access to the Ritual for free (no questions asked; praise Hermes).🦊 Who knows: we may just be able to tip the scales and sneak some good fortune back into your world. 🧡

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Meet Your Wizard

What-ho, hi. I’m Dr Jason Fox. You can find out more about me here on my official site, but in a nutshell: I am a metamodern wizard-philosopher masquerading as a motivational speaker and leadership advisor. I’ve lectured in three universities, written two bestselling books and was awarded ‘Keynote Speaker of The Year’.

Nowadays—when not liberating the world from the delusion of progress—I quest to create a world more curious and kind. The urgent challenges of our times—ecological devastation, systemic inequality, and the meaning crisis—require us all to co-develop and work together at higher levels of complexity. And in the process: to get over ourselves. So: here we are!

This programme was also developed with much sense-making savvy, editing and artistic support from my vet-illustrator-spy life partner Dr Kim Lam (aka the dangerlam).

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“The Annual Ritual of ‘Choosing One Word’ is one of the most powerful spells I know. If you are searching for new motivation, meaning, enchantment or direction in life—if you seek to develop and grow as a person (and to cultivate ‘character’ in the process)—this programme is for you. It works—even if you are a deeply sceptical person who leads a complex life. Perhaps; especially so.”

—Dr Fox, Archwizard of Ambiguity (most fantastic)

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Choose One Word

Your Ritual of Becoming Awaits.

Still not sure? Subscribe to The Museletter of Dr Fox to keep in touch.

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